AGRICULTURE – RELATED PUBLICATIONS AIR QUALITY IN THE CENTRAL VALLEY - The Senate Select Committee on Air Quality was created to address the ever-growing air pollution crisis facing California's San Juaquin Valley. Since its inception, the Committee has held twelve informational hearings throughout the Valley. Topics ranged from the health effects of the dirty air, the role of agriculture operations, including dairies, and the contribution of mobile sources such as cars, trains, and diesel school busses to air quality. Asthma rates and respiratory illness have escalated into a public health crisis. This report will summarize and present the findings of the Committee's activities in 2003. It includes a brief overview, newspaper articles documenting the work of the committee and legislative proposals related to the Valley's air quality. (Stock #1257-S; $10.51 - includes tax s/h) (4/04) WATER AND LAND USE PLANNING: ASSESSING THE EFFECTS OF SB 221 (KUEHL, 2001) & SB 610 (COSTA, 2001) - The Senate Agriculture and Water Resources Committee and the Senate Local Government Committee have published the results on their joint hearing on water and land use planning held in Tracy on October 12, 2003 in this report. Developers, water suppliers, and legislative advocates can use the new summary report to evaluate bills that legislators may author in 2004. (Stock #1230-S; $11.04 - includes tax s/h) (10/03) BIOTECHNOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICY, AND THE RISKS TO CALIFORNIA LEGISLATIVE POWER - This hearing explores the growing relevance of biotechnology as it relates to California's unique agricultural economy, the appropriate role of the state of California in the monitoring and oversight of agricultural biotechnology, and an examination of related international trade rules. (Stock #1227-S; $8.08 - includes tax s/h) (6/03)